God of impeccable timing

Warning! This is a lengthy read

Stuck on a flat tire (Pun intended)

I’m sure you get where I’m going with this right.

Let’s digress a little first though.

My dad is not the most confident driver (sorry dad), he drives well-ish, but has a tendency to press real hard on the brakes. A car can be a football field away from him, when he sees their brake light go on, he automatically stomps heavy on his. I suppose it’s because he’s extra careful. Or, it could just be his instinct to protect his family from being involved in a collision. I just don’t know. What I do know is that based on this driving pattern, we have to get brake pads more frequently than we intend to.

About a month or so ago, he went to get an oil change.

That’s another car maintenance we also do frequently since he drives about 53 miles one way to work five days a week. Oil changes for us comes as quickly as you can say “Thank You Jesus.” 😛 At this specific appointment, the mechanic told him the car needed brake pads and a water pump. And, they also mentioned we needed four new tires and so with all their exorbitant prices adding up, we tabled these ‘needs’ for another time.

We also have a mini-van which I use to drop Zach at both school and wrestling practices, run errands around town when necessary, and drive to Stephen Ministries (SM) each Tuesday. On Friday of last week during one of those errands, the notification came on the dashboard “Maintenance Required.” Oil change time again. Since the mechanic shop my dad uses is near his job those umpteen miles away, it was agreed that we would switch vehicles and he would take the van to get an oil change Monday morning before he went to work.

Plan in motion.

Ready. Set. Stop

This plan didn’t work out because we realized my grandmother had an appointment at the hospital on Monday to remove the catheter she had in after a surgery she went through the previous week and so the plan for oil change was postponed until Tuesday (SM day). It did not seem feasible to drive a huge van all the way to the appointment (also 50 plus miles away) and having to take her back home to go back to work. 200 plus miles (two round trips) in a minivan is a gas guzzler. With the way gas prices are lately, no thank you.

So, on Tuesday, he took the van and left me with the car. No big deal. I got ready in the evening and began making my way to SM. I realized the dashboard had an exclamation mark on it, but dismissed the warning because lately, it’s always there – tire needs air it seems to scream more often than not.

On my way to SM I attempted to go.

The road I usually take had construction work going on and so I was forced to drive at a snail’s pace. As I drove along gabbing with a friend via Bluetooth, I saw Mr. Police Officer walking towards me with his hand held up. He peered in the car and said ma’am, “your back tire is flat, you’re almost about to drive on the rim, do you have far to go?”

Shocker! The light on the dashboard was actually indicating a serious issue this time.

If you’ve continued reading thus far, thanks for bearing on. I didn’t want to leave out any details because I wanted to highlight God’s impeccable timing and protection and provision and all the in between. He deserves all the glory, honor and praise. ALWAYS!

I headed to a nearby WaWa (they give free air for tires) and when I got out, there was no fixing this tire on my own. I reached out to Geico and they sent a mechanic to remove the flat tire and put the donut on.

By now you know I am car illiterate for the most part. I only know how to add a little air, put gas in my tank when necessary and all the other elementary things (depends on your definition of that word). Not to worry though, my husband will know and teach me how to do all these things and so I’m sure one of these days, I will be telling you about radiators, carburetors and fuel pump. 😂

When the mechanic looked at the tire, he said, “ma’am, you need brakes. I can do the job for $100. You buy the parts, I come to you and put them on.”


Talk about God bussing out a move! Showing off! Our God can part Red Sea y’all (in my Southern accent).

I look back over the course of these days and am grateful to God. I will list my gratitude in bullet points.

    The Lord prevented Dad from having the van on Monday. He did protect him and gram while they had the car
    The tire issue took place on my watch when I was local
    Had dad have this issue, he may have been stuck 53 miles away
    Had dad been driving on the highway when the tire went out, no telling what would have happened
    We needed the brake pads to be changed, God protected me by allowing me to drive through a construction zone where an officer was paying attention
    God shielded our family from unforeseen accidents
    God gave us a mechanic who is able to do the job for a fraction of the cost
    God has impeccable timing and is woven in the fabrics of our lives

    Earlier this week, the Lord miraculously deposited the August mortgage in my bank account – plus change. The extra money is able to cover: the brake pads, the labor to install them and get this – the tires! We need four! For all those who have been praying – HE SHOWED UP BIG TIME.

    Yahweh’s timing is impeccable. He does sometime come through late (by our watch) but He always comes through…with impeccable timing.

Sometimes, the Lord will cause us to be stuck on flat tires because He has lessons to teach both us and those around us. Sometimes He does it because He needs to get our attentions, we’ve been moving too fast at brake neck speed. Other times, we simply need to learn how to trust in Him and not be grumbly and complainy. There are also times when we get stuck because we need rest and to have our lens readjusted for the next stage of the journey. In many cases though, there are people we meet when stuck that needs to hear how good God is and see His salvation being unfolded.

For whatever reason you may be stuck my friend, trust in Yah’s impeccable timing.

I love you truly.

Until next time remember, His Promises are our Guarantee…🙌🏽

59 thoughts on “God of impeccable timing

  1. Yes, His timing is awesome even though we struggle to sometimes wait.
    What an amazing God we have, He looked after every small detail and protected you all.
    Thanks to God for providing the mortgage and the little extra to meet all your needs.
    Thankyou for sharing this. Blessing to you my dear sis 🤗💙

    Liked by 6 people

  2. I am filled with Awe….and screaming in my heart YESSSS! Lord. We wondered why after the month? But God saw the car – the expense and most of all the danger present to his children like the faithful, loving awesome Dad he is – right to orchestrating He went.
    This reminds me – He doesn’t always have to tell me in the moment- I have to trust Him to see it in the end.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Hallelujah!!!!
      Yes. Yes. Yes. Blessed be the name of Jesus. Our Daddy is so awesome beloved. Wow! Blows the mind big time! I love your last sentence, whew…what a wave of glory that brings 🙌🏽🙌🏽

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Wow! What an amazing testimony. I enjoyed reading every detail of how God manifested Himself for your family. It gives me hope to keep believing and trusting in Him. It’s a miracle the August mortgage showed up. God is truly faithful to put each detail of life in place. And He sends the right people our way. His timing is perfect.

    I think He sometimes takes us down the rough path and allows times of lack so we can better understand and appreciate His abundance. Thanks very much Deandra. Love you! ❤️

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Sisterrrrrrr Dawn, that last paragraph you gave has a punch out of this world. Appreciating His abundance. Wow! I need to go chew on that for a bit. Whew! I love you so much my sister and am so grateful we get to walk this thing out ❤️🤗

      Liked by 3 people

  4. Wow! Very well said. I love this and the message it contains. As always you did a wonderful job. I also love the hope and encouragement that this message brings.

    Thank you for these encouraging words, keep on writing.
    We can completely trust in God. He has such a good vantage point on everything and all that happens in our lives, so we can trust that by following him at all times as he works things out for our good as well as the good of others.

    Thanks again my sister for sharing. Am truly blessed and grateful for this timely devotion 🤗🤗👍👍🙏🏼🙏🏼

    Liked by 3 people

    1. God be praised truly, Fay Ann.
      I’m so glad we all get to experience how He works wonders in our lives if only we stand still and let Him be God.

      Thank you for your encouragement and for taking the time to read, this one was really long. 🤗❤️


            1. Hallelujah! Thank You Lord for setting a fire in our hearts. You are so amazing! We are filled with Your joy and our hearts are overwhelmed with gratitude 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


    1. Giggles! Hallelujah my sweet sweet sister! He comes right on His time for sure. Happy Dance with you 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽. Thanks for the nomination my love, I will take a look a little later so I can respond appropriately. Let’s keep on trusting Him, Renee. He is so worthy of all our praises 🙌🏽🙌🏽

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Awesome God! He goes before us to make the crooked path straight! He is always working on our behalf. What a testimony! Thanking and praising Him for all he did for you and your family! ❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  6. The Lord of Host is awesome in all His doings. It is amazing the way he works and come through when situations are unexpected. Well He knows all things and have the answers.The steps of a good man (woman) are ordered by the Lord. He will prompt the heart of someone to help us in the time of need. The Bible say rejoice with them that rejoice I am rejoicing in the testimony, Bless the Lord!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Wow. Such an amazing father we have. Always showing up right on time and in His own grand way.
    Your testimonies were gracious sis. And He will keep showing up for you more than ever before.

    Hope it will be shared in church too. Folks need to hear this. 💯😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. He is amazing my sister! Words fail to describe how truly awesome our Father is. Hallelujah! Thank you for standing in faith believing that we are on the verge of even more beautiful experiences in God. We are at the cusp of divine happenings 🙌🏽


  8. Yes Sis. It’s so true. Sometimes, I get anxious but His Spirit quickly prompts me to rest and trust that He knows what’s best. Later in, I see what the hold up was whether it be protection, additional provision, and a better plan.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Oh, how my heart breaks for those who would say y’all were so ‘lucky’. I pray that one day they’ll know the overwhelming joy of knowing that the God of unending love and unlimited connections and resources sees THEM! I continue to be surprised when God does these sorts of things for me – line, ‘sure, he did that amazing thing once but….’ I like that you referred to it as God ‘showing off’ because I’ve said the same thing and felt a little irreverent. But I don’t think it is. I imagine him planning something like the Red Sea and barely containing his excitement just imagining our reactions.My anticipation at having my child open the one gift she wanted to badly but NEVER thought she’d get is nowhere near God’s anticipation! I know we could end up with countless stories like yours, but I have a fun one I’ll share when I can put it as a link. See, the Holy Spirit is a little playful with me and often does things that blow me away AND make me roll my eyes! 😀 This was absolutely worth the time to read it!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A huge smile has erupted from within me! 🤗
      I love that insight into our Father filled with “anticipation” and the analogy you gave regarding having a child open up that one special gift. My heart is truly overjoyed.
      I agree with you, we do not believe in the frivolous term called “luck”, our God is too intentional and too intricately woven into the fabric of our lives for us to consider miracles “luck”. Oh no, He is absolutely providential and cares for us too deeply for there to be “random” happenings.
      PS: I’m glad you enjoyed the read 🌺


  10. Deandra, thank you. I enjoyed reading this post. Yes, our God works miracles on our behalf on a regular basis. He watches over us, too. Praise Jesus for how he provided for you and your family.

    Liked by 1 person

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