Father of all concern

“Can a woman forget her child at the breast, not show pity on the child from her womb? Even if these were to forget, I would not forget you. I have engraved you on the palms of my hands, your walls are always before me.” Isaiah 49:15-16‬ ‭CJB‬‬

This morning my alarm clock went off at around 6:30. I lay in bed and considered, “well, today is Saturday, I don’t have to get up early.” I reached out, hit the button and attempted to fall back to sleep. No success. I lay there awake, fully rested to boot. Ten minutes later, the alarm clock went off again, and I felt Holy Spirit nudging me saying, “Get up, go for a walk.” For those who know me, exercise has not my strong suit but lately, the Lord has been giving me an excitement to go walking, and the stamina to do so. Go figure.

I got dressed and through the door I went. As I walked, I began pouring my heart to my Abba. I told Him how grateful I was for another day, another year even, how blessed I feel having His love so palpable in my heart, how thankful I was for the attention He has been giving me. As I walked, my prayers contained a certain contentment. I found myself relinquishing anxiety, stress, and frustration and welcoming surrender and His peace. I also found myself discovering new places in my neighborhood, hearing a rooster crow (yes…a rooster, or was it a hen🙄) and just relishing the cool breeze of pre-autumn. It was such a delight to be alone with my Dad.

During the final lap of our walk, I saw what appeared to be a dead frog splattered on the side walk. How it got there, I do not know but Holy Spirit began ministering to me there, reminding me that He knew this frog’s journey would have ended and even more significantly, He knows all about my journey.

Suffice to say, I ended up sprinting all the way home as He began downloading to me how much the Father is concerned about all He has created; even the frogs; but especially us, humans created in the Father’s image. I also found myself laughing and filled with such glee. Once more, Abba had caught my attention. This stimulated my legs to move in such a fast pace, I ended up “burning a sweat” (don’t know if that’s the expression) and I felt my heart rate increasing. Talk about a Father who is also an exercise trainer too😅.

Does Jesus Care

The scripture is replete with examples of God’s concern for us. We see from the onset of time, the way He fashioned man in the Garden of Eden and noticed that man was alone and needed a wife. We see how He took the time to talk with man in the cool of the day. When man sinned, our Father made provision to take care of man’s needs – physical, spiritual and otherwise.

“He who did not spare even his own Son, but gave him up on behalf of us all — is it possible that, having given us his Son, he would not give us everything else too?” Romans 8:32,CJB

His greatest example of concern for us was the sending of His Son who took our place on that rugged cross.

I should have been laying on that tree. My sins have been so many and so great. But in His expression of love, centuries before I even came on the scene, He made a way for my pardon. A way so that you and I, could be made free to worship and have access to Him. He’s also given us Holy Spirit. What a treasure He is. Holy Spirit inspires us, reminds us, teaches us, confronts and comforts us, and so much more.

Our Father, friend, is truly concerned about us and that is a promise that we can be sure will be true even to the very end. As we journey through life, challenges and situations will arise that make us doubt whether He does care and is concerned. I assure you, He cares. One song writer asks the question:

“Does Jesus care when my way is dark
With a nameless dread and fear?
As the daylight fades into deep night shades,
Does He care enough to be near?

The author goes back and answers:

“O, yes, He cares – I know He cares!
His heart is touched with my grief;
When the days are weary, the long nights dreary,
I know my Savior cares, He cares.

We may be waiting for Him to show up in different areas. For me, I still await the mortgage to be paid (we’re into the next month now) but I find that He has given me such peace as I wait. In fact, He’s even distracted my mind with His love for me that I’m not even sitting down wondering and biting my proverbial nails as I have done in recent months.

What about you? Are you waiting on Him to come through in tangible and possible inexpressible ways? Keep waiting. Keeping seeking. Keep trusting. During this process, you will see He comes through in a way, that blows your mind.


Thank You today for being a God who cares. Thank You for showing us through scripture that Your care for us was so great, it pained Your heart to be separated from us. So much so, that Jesus came and died in our place. Thank You for Your gift of life, Your gift of joy, Your gift of love. Help us to trust Your plans, to obey Your commands, to follow Your leading. We honor and give You thanks in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Until next time remember, His Promises are our Guarantee…🙌🏽

51 thoughts on “Father of all concern

  1. Back in 2003 our family was burdened under a half million dollar debt Precious One. We can well relate to your angst over the mortgage. Back then His words to us were ‘Get out of debt’. I had no idea how that would work out. In hindsight I see the big picture but not then.

    One often finds that the most beautiful pictures are made of the smallest of pieces. I think of the mosaics we saw in Israel or the pixels that make up the pictures of text you are reading now. God leads us in the tiniest if actions through faith. As we learn to trust Him in the very small He makes a grand picture. The key to success is to stay humble and be willing to always follow the lead in the small. Trust Jesus. When it is time He will show you the big. When that happens I hope to be there to help pick your jaw up off the floor. 🙂

    You are in good hands Precious One. His love and care for you are greater than you can fathom.

    Homer Les

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Giggles…I hope that you will be around to pick up my jaw too 🤗

      I love the analogy you gave about the pixels and the pictures being made of the smallest pieces. I think now how long it takes for the artist to put the complete images together and how painstaking the process is; but when it is all done, how beautiful those who observe it end up describing it as. So with us, the process takes time indeed, but those who get to look in get to see His grand masterpiece.


      Liked by 2 people

  2. This is such a beautiful post. Lovely reminder that our Heavenly Father loves us so much and cares for every single and small detail of our life.

    Loved reading your story of how God is prompting you to go for a walk. He is prompting you to spend tine with Him, isn’t that so wonderful and the peace that you have right now is a blessing from HIM dear sis.

    Keep on drawing closer to HIM. Blessing to you dear sis 😊💙

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Manu, it is certainly wonderful. To be prompted to walk, to spend time with Him, to feel Him – oh there is simply no feeling to describe it all. I suppose at times all we can do is cry, and say “Hallelujah!”

      Oh how He loves us so…

      Love you 😘

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Thanks so much Deandra! I’m thankful you enjoyed your walk and time talking to the Lord. Nature always reminds us of His love and care. I love my Saturday morning walks and talks with the Lord too. I’m about to go soon. Have a blessed weekend little sis! 💕

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Awwww, you’re welcome big sis. I’m so glad that nature reminds us of His love…His care…His grace. I hope you enjoyed your walk this morning and felt His embrace during this season of transition 🤗

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Wow!! This is an amazing and inspired post….

    There are so many takeaways from this post. (1) When we obey the Holy Spirit’s leading we will gain favour for our obedience. (2) Waiting on God is good. There are blessings attached to our continuous trust in God even when it seems as if our prayers are not being answered. (3) A reminder og God’s love and care for us. He cares about every details of our lives.

    This is delish👐👐👐 food for my soul 👏👏👏. Am full to overflowing.

    I really needed this message today! I felt the Holy Spirit throughout this message. I just lay in bed and tears ran down my cheeks as I read this devotion.

    Thank you my sister. Continue to let the Lord use you for his kingdom! Many blessings and much love!!

    Abba Father I come before you today, please give me the grace to trust and wait on you.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hallelujah!!! Bless the wonderful name of Yahweh forevermore 🙌🏽
      I’m so glad you felt Holy Spirit speaking Fay Ann. Truly our Father is good. He allows our cup to overflow with an abundance of His love as we wait for Him to come through.

      Sometimes just thinking about His love causes our hearts to melt with gratitude and the tears to flow down our cheeks.

      He is good, marvelous and loves us truly.

      My love and prayers to you ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Another inspiring post, Precious One. Thanks for being obedient and getting up and going out that door. Guess Who was on the other side just waiting for you. Your Heart, your Savior, Your Beloved. (O.K. I’ll share Him with you 😊💙)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Giggles…

      Thank you for sharing Him with me. He makes me so joyful and glad that my heart sometimes feels as though it will burst through the seams.

      Yah’s richest blessings to you Mother Fowler. ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Amen! I think it’s because we’re away from everyone and everything. I’ve seen things in the woods people would never experience anywhere else. And I think of a Father giving a little gift to His child.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. I was thinking about you this morning Deandra and actually wrote an email…I had to back out of it for a second and when I returned to it, it was gone! I just wanted to tell you that I was thinking about you and praying for you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww Renee, thank you for the thoughts and prayers and everything in between. I cherish and relish the prayers you make on my behalf. May the Lord reward you for your faithfulness. I am truly grateful for them, and you ❤️


  7. I prayed that wonderful prayer along with you sweetheart. This post uplifted my soul today and I praise God for all He’s accomplishing in our lives. Much love. 🤗❤❤❤❤❤❤

    Liked by 1 person

  8. O Dee, what a blessed reminder. Ken and I are waiting on God for that which only He can do. In the meantime, He is showing up in the most creative ways. Great is His faithfulness and love toward us, His created ones. God loves you with an everlasting love. I thank Him for you, and the joy of knowing you. I pray His best for you, your Mom, and your amazing son. ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My sweet Jacquie, I thank you for continuing to pray. I pray that as you and your hubby continue to wait for God to do what only He can do, that You would continue to be amazed at His splendor, His majesty, His awesomeness. I pray that your hearts would never become discouraged and that the Lord would continue to build you up in the most holy faith. I love you Jacquie and I’m too thankful that the Lord has allowed us to become virtual sisters 🤗🤗🤗

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