
“And Hezekiah received the letter of the hand of the messengers, and read it: and Hezekiah went up into the house of the Lord, and spread it before the Lord. And Hezekiah prayed before the Lord, and said, O Lord God of Israel, which dwellest between the cherubims, thou art the God, even thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth; thou hast made heaven and earth. Lord, bow down thine ear, and hear: open, Lord, thine eyes, and see: and hear the words of Sennacherib, which hath sent him to reproach the living God.” 2 Kings 19:14-16

Without getting too far in Bible history (time does not permit me at this time, see chapter 18 of the same book for information), Hezekiah, King of Judah received a letter from the King of Assyria threatening to wipe out Judah, or at least bring them harm. Hezekiah as far as my memory goes had not plagued the Assyrians in any way or enticed them for war. He was going about his normal kingly business when a messenger of the King of Assyria delivered this letter – suddenly.

Upon receipt of said letter, the scripture stated he tore his clothes and sent for the prophet Isaiah. We also see in the above verses that He sought God in the matter. The passage goes on to give us the outcome of His cry to God, which spoiler alert, Yahweh answered and sent deliverance.

On Saturday, a friend of mine invited me to church. For some reason, I felt compelled by Holy Spirit to accept the invitation and attend. My mom, grandma and I got ready and as we were heading out, my mom began complaining about abdominal pain. She considered it to be gas pains because she had fasted the previous day and had not drunk tea to bring the fast to a close; so she told us to go to on to church and she would remain home to doctor herself. We hesitantly left and went to this church.

When my grandma and I arrived, I stood in the vestibule waiting for my grandma’s return from the restroom and watched folks pass me by without so much of a nod or greeting. I found that odd since I was a visitor but nonetheless decided that being upset at inhospitable people was not worth the time and so I moved right along in my mind. When she returned, we found our seats and during the break, we were greeted by some of the brethren.

Worship songs were next and following that, the preacher came on to deliver the Word. When the preacher took the microphone, the devil whispered in my ear, “ha, he didn’t even say hi when he walked in earlier; wasn’t he the one that strutted right pass you.” I ignored the fox, well, no I didn’t, I responded, “well, maybe he just had a bad morning with the kids and needed to be inside.”

Lesson – resist the devil and he will flee. Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you.

With that thought dismissed, the preacher began sharing from the above mentioned passage. He stated that Hezekiah received a threat from the Assyrian king unprovoked. Here was Hezekiah going about his business and voila, the letter came. He then began saying we all have suddenly moments. Moments when letters of different kinds come to our attention threatening to rock our world.

I found myself looking over the course of the past two years where suddenly moments letters were delivered to my proverbial door. Mom (the primary breadwinner) losing her job for 8 months. My grandma’s diagnosis of cancer and the radiation and chemo which followed. The loss of my best friend of 8 plus years. My relocation causing me to not have a church home. The unexpected debt arisen due to missing income. The other issues I cannot mention due to privacy of family members. The list could go on and on but you get my drift. I’ve been dealing with a lot of “suddenlies.”

I came home from church to find my mother in more pain than I’ve ever seen. She was throwing up and kept on saying “I feel like I’m in a dream.” We brought her to the ER where she ended up being admitted for bowel obstruction. Today (Monday), she went for X-rays which revealed she needed immediate surgery. Another suddenly moment.

The surgery that should have lasted for 90-120 minutes ended up lasting for 3 hours. The surgeon shared with us that she was glad she scheduled the surgery right away because when they got inside, they discovered there was a possibility of my mom becoming septic due to some rupture, and other complications they would rather not have her deal with. The surgery resulted in a portion of my mom’s bowel being removed and what was to be an exploratory surgery turned into a real invasive one. The prognosis praise Yahweh, is good however mom may be out of work for 4-6 weeks based on the type of job she does. Suffice to say, another suddenly storm has occurred.

If you have been following the series of posts Holy Spirit has been sharing with us, let’s pause for a moment to give God honor and glory. He began by sharing that we struggle with spiritual amnesia and the only way to overcome this was by living the promises of our Father. From there, He began laying the bricks of the wall of “memory” with reminding us of the different promises He has given to us through His Word. The most recent post, was God of ALL strength which as you may recall, had some comments glitch😉.

On Saturday night, Holy Spirit led me back to that precise promise which left me grateful and in smiles as I thought of His preparation for the upcoming suddenly moment. The post before that was God of comfort. The Lord in this post showed that comfort can come from each other. Friends, when it was announced mom would have emergency surgery, a SOS call went out, and folks my family do not even know began lifting her before the Lord. I am overwhelmed with gratitude to say the least.

Now, recovery is upon us, I know the God of all strength and comfort, will continue to provide. My faith for sure has been tested. I have been tried. Pressed. Crushed. I trust ABBA that at the end, He will be able to see His reflection in me.

Have you been tried too? Do you have a series of back to back suddenly moments? Have you been faced with different whirlwinds? Are you feeling as though you are being hard pressed on every side, crushed and even spent…hang in there. I will not say for a minute it is easy, but oh the joy you will feel once you surrender it all to our Lord. Remember, those who live godly, will suffer. So I cheer you (us) on and say, let us count it all joy.

We are pilgrims and sojourners through this land. This is NOT our home. We must keep our eyes on the things eternal, especially when “suddenly” moments come our way.

I love you friend, truly.

91 thoughts on “Suddenly…

  1. Oh my! What a fright that must have given you. Glad your mom had surgery right away. Pray that her recovery will be complete and without any issues.
    May the Lord give you peace, wisdom and strength as you handle all this.
    Pray that the Lord will provide all you need.
    Love and hugs 🤗

    Liked by 4 people

    1. It would have once upon a time, but I was enveloped in such peace…I was reminded of all the bread crumbs leading up…
      Thank you much! I need them all.
      Love you too 🤗🤗❤️❤️

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I will be praying with you for greener pastures and blessings! God knows what He’s doing, but it can get tough sometimes hanging in there without getting weary and tired. I pray God gives us all the strength to hang in there! 💜🤗💕

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Amen! Strength to keep on keeping on…
          Thank you truly for the prayers! Sometimes in the middle of an issue, one can’t pray as well as they want to but being surrounded by prayers – oh it does wonders to the spirit 🤗🤗

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Firstly, as I read your last comment Dee, Abba shined a huge spotlight on the timestamp, 8:28, then He led me to Romans 8:28..

    “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

    But now I must back up to the title of this message and say that I’m totally floored, not in disbelief because this is what Abba does, but in ABSOLUTE REVERENCE to Him for revealing Himself to us in such an amazing and powerful way. So last night I had the privilege of visiting one of those “said churches,” but I didn’t have the same experience of inhospitableness, rather the “antics that go along with preaching.” But prior to it all, I’d already prayed for the Lord to insulate me from the emotional antics and rhetoric of preaching, so that I could hear Him, and boy did He..

    The preacher came from Acts 16:25-34 when Paul and Silas were in prison. Two verses into this particular discourse we run into an amazing word, which immediately grabbed my attention last night during the service, SUDDENLY. Yep, you read it right and yes, I’m now sitting at the feet of Jesus and reading a message that Abba “downloaded” last night into your spirit Dee, that I didn’t even have a clue about, until this morning…

    The word of the Lord to you this morning is this, “Stand Still and See His Salvation! He’s got you covered and everything that He said concerning you will come to pass. And this is how we get there!!

    “Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth. 2 And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God:..Deuteronomy 28:1-2

    Liked by 8 people

    1. You talk about you being floored – I’m floored.

      The Lord gave you this weekend the word “Suddenly” too.


      Yahweh is to be praised – all times.

      He is good. I don’t want to lose focus and miss what He is doing in this season AT ALL.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Re-read…yes, last night. He gave us the same messages for me, a reminder of the word “suddenly.” He is so awesome. So worthy of all praise. He is to be feared, adored and like you said, reverenced 🙌🏽


  3. You and your family are in my prayers. I appreciate you sharing this. When I look back over my life I see God’s hand firmly holding mine. I know how closely He holds you to Him. I am grateful.

    I’ve found that the events in my life I thought were “bad” turned out to be some of life’s greatest blessing. Likewise, many of the things I deemed “good” turned out to be disastrous. I’m constantly reminded I don’t know what’s good for me so I let God take the lead. He is much better at guiding my journey than I am.

    Please keep up the great work.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Awwww, reading your comments has caused your sister in NJ to smile. I also echo, Hallelujah!

      Thank you for keeping us in your prayers and that reminder that I’m held close by our Master’s side. How great to read that you too have been pressed and have decided that you prefer that the Lord takes the lead…that my brother, speaks to a posture of surrender and I love that!

      Surely, our Father is working all things out for our good. That’s a promise He has given us that will last until the cows come home 😊.

      Blessings to you and your family always 🙏🏽

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Great read. The great thing about our suddenlies it that we have a God can move and turn things around in the blink of an eye. Nothing catches Him by surprise. Thanks Sis for sharing.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. My pleasure to share.

      Hallelujah! Love that line of thinking. Suddenly our suddenlies can be moved! Praise Yahweh forevermore. I’m inspired all over by your comment🙌🏽.


  5. Precious, so sorry about your mom and will keep her in prayer every day. I’m thankful she’s okay though and am sorry you are facing these trials. God loves you and so do I.

    Also, so I deeply feel for the loss of your 8 year long friend. I’m praying right now darling Dee.🙏💖

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Viv!
      As I read your response just now these verses are deposited in my heart, “Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to Him be glory in the church (us) and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21(ESV). Viv, He’s going to work it all out for us. Every. Single. Detail. We are on the mind of God! We are imprinted in His hands. Hallelujah! Love you, back (Dooley style) 🤗❤️🤗

      Liked by 2 people

      1. How perfect! Thank you for these verses Dee! He is able dearest, He IS!! I just walked away from my phone to wash potatoes and as I was thinking about you and your mom AND Hezekiah, I pulled a heart shaped potato out of the bag. It just showed me His love Dee for us all. Just wish I took a picture though but knowing that potato gave me a smile and I know as it will be used for the nourishment for our supper…..God will continue to nourish us through His loving word.

        Awwww, Love you back again!🤗💖

        Liked by 3 people

        1. You should see the huge grin on my face. “Message from the potato” – now here’s a reminder we don’t get too often. God has a way of sharing His love for us in unexpected ways, especially during His “whispers.” I love it! And Him. And my sweet Viv from VA ❤️

          Liked by 3 people

          1. I’m so sorry I didn’t get a picture. 😔 He is always whispering His love, if we stop to listen. I love you. Praying for you honey and your mama. 🙏🙏💖💖

            Liked by 2 people

  6. Wow…I’m sorry to hear that so much has been happening all at once. I can relate. It’s been one of those seasons. Your post reminded me of a Micah Tyler song, “different.” I’ll add you and your family to my prayer list. Hang in there. God is doing His thing in great and mighty ways. ❤

    Liked by 4 people

  7. Thanks for sharing this little sister! Your faith in our God through these difficult trials gives me strength and inspiration to keep going. I’m praying for your mom. The Lord will heal, restore and watch over her. He will also provide for all of you, as He promised He would in His Word. 🙏🏿❤️🙏🏿❤️

    Philippians 4:19 NIV, “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Awww, reading your response reminds me of the verse, “and they overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.” Lovely verse you have left me with -it’s food for the soul ❤️❤️

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  8. I love how you shared a devotional lesson from the scripture (life will have “suddenly” moments) then shared some things going on in your life to really show how it happens. I also love how your last few posts prepared you for the dilemma with your mom…sounds like God was winking at you and letting you know He has you in His hands! Awesome and uplifting post, sister!

    Liked by 6 people

  9. It is a fact that in this world we will have trouble; but I love that you didn’t allow the enemy to keep you from a Word you needed to hear. A word that provided some additional foundation for the next trial. I pray your mom’s recovery is smooth, and I too praise God that He intervened so that she was spared a far worse prognosis. Deandra, you have a gift for writing Bible studies that I hope you will continue to pursue. Blessings, and may Jehovah Jireh be with you and your family in great measure. ♥

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Jacquie! Jacquie! Jacquie!
      This is confirmation…thanks for the prayers, comments and encouragement by the way. Let me fast forward to what you said last. Holy Spirit has been impressing on me to begin the “His Promises” series not really giving insight. When I obeyed, He then revealed it will be a series of Bible Studies and that I’m being trained. Girl, He told you too. Wow! Praise the Lord! This feedback is so encouraging to me and I thank Yah for you, truly. Hallelujah!

      Back to mom, oh yes, I’m so happy for the different trials and provisions leading up to this moment. Saying Jehovah is good does not do adequately express my gratitude to Him. This situation though sudden, did not leave me buckled and floored. Mine you, it is hard, I see that and I have moments of weariness but girllllll, I have more moments of joy and peace and feeling His presence and love. Whew! I’m blabbering too much.

      Thanks again for being His mouthpiece today and reminding me that He who has called us is Faithful and will complete all He has started. Let us stay in tune to Holy Spirit’s voice, let us feed daily on the Word. Let us daily pray, especially for each other.

      Love you much! ❤️

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  10. Dear Precious One,
    The enemy wants to intimidate us and make us give up. He, however, is a shifting shadow and is defeated. We are seated in heavenly places, far above all principalities and powers of darkness, in Christ Jesus. His victory over him is our victory. (Ephesians 2:5-6)
    “But he was pierced for our rebellion,
    crushed for our sins.
    He was beaten so we could be whole.
    He was whipped so we could be healed.” Isaiah 53: 5
    Speaking the healing virtue of Jesus over your mom for quick recovery. You and your family are beloved of God. As it is in heaven, so be it, in your lives. Abundant provision for all of your family’s needs. Overflowing life and love to you!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Amen! Thank you, beloved.
      I can’t tell you how soothing it is to have scripture spoken over and to me. Thank you for this, truly.
      Yes, I agree, the enemy does want to make us feel intimated to the point of giving up and giving in. I love your description of him – a shifting shadow. Hallelujah, he is defeated and remains defeated because Jesus is Alive and Jesus is our Victor! Thank you for the pronouncement of blessings too. May the Lord continue to feed you on His Word and make you satisfied in all places.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I’m so sorry your family is going through this. Just a few weeks ago, my daughter was discharged from the hospital after a very scary experience there and several weeks in the ICU. So, my heart is extra touched by what you are experiencing. I’m asking Holy Spirit to manifest Himself to you like never before as He leads you all by the hand into His miracles!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hallelujah! Thank you for that prayer sweet Jennifer! Oh how that means a lot to me, I pray the Lord shows you just how much.
      I’m sorry to hear your baby girl had been in the ICU for several weeks. That must have been rough and tough to say the least. Hearing about your ordeal and your heart being touched reminds me of the scripture in Corinthians where we are reminded to comfort others with the comfort God gave us when we needed it most. Hugs and kisses to your baby girl who is now safely home and under the loving and watchful care of her mama bear 🤗


  12. Good morning, Precious One. Just ran across this beautiful blog insight of yours. I knew from reading the first blog of yours that you came from a praying family tree. In this article you mentioned your Mom and Grandmother operating in the service of the Lord. You are definitely steeped in His love….like young Timothy under the tutorage of his mother and grandmother. By the way, I love stories in the Old Testament and Hezekiah’s ventures are one of my favorites. All blessings and healing goes out to your mom. And for the record, many years ago when I had my laundry mat store, my utilities were about to be shut off. I spread my water, electric and rent notice invoices out on the floor and told God my name was Hezekiah. I prayed that He do me like he did Hezekiah. And guess, what? He did!! With God’s help, I won that battle. No shut offs. “Sudden moments” vanished. Amen.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mama Fowler,
      Thank you for sharing such a wonderful testimony and testament of our Great God’s power, His might, His strength. Reading your response today is certainly an encouragement to my soul this morning. Hallelujah! I may need to follow suit in a week or two with my “suddenly” notices too 😇

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  13. Amen! Praise Jesus for guiding you through this “suddenly” moments! It’s amazing how things in the past start to make a full circle and we see what God is teaching us. I’m glad for His comfort and His assurance to be over you and your family ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Praise Jesus indeed, T.R. 🙌🏽
      Through the eyes of faith we are able to see His hands crafting lessons for us that are timeless and filled with inspiration to keep on trusting Him, while encouraging others to do the same. Thank for the prayers too. They are always welcomed 🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Wow! I just love your attitude despite all that you are going through! I love how you have found reason(s) to still praise God in spite of all. May God come through for your family in all that you need in Jesus name, including, healing for your grandma and quick recovery for Mama. Thank you Precious one for sharing. May God bless you in Jesus name!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awwww, thank you!
      His strength in my times of weaknesses continue to amaze me. It is in those times that I find myself filled with His joy that leads me to still praise Him. Of my ownself, I do not always turn to Yah to render praises to Him, but through His assistance, I can rejoice though my world is being rocked to the core. Thank you for the blessing too, may Yahweh cover You under His wings 🙂

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  15. Deandra, I don’t normally do this for new people, but I’d like to share a testimony post with you. It’s password protected. If you’re interested in reading it let me know, just please delete all of this afterwards.


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