Liebster Award 🥇

Thank you Dawn for this nomination. Dawn has become my adopted bigger sister on WordPress and has been extremely supportive with each post and her faithfulness in praying for Zachery (my almost 17 year old man) and myself. She consistently writes posts that leave me analyzing my self and my daily walk with the Lord. Big up Dawn, in my 🇯🇲 accent! Go check her out at Drawing Closer to Christ ASAP!

The rules:

1. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you.

2. Share 11 facts about yourself.

3. Answer the 11 questions the blogger(s) asked you.

4. Nominate 11 bloggers and make them happy!!

5. Make up to 11 questions and ask them to your nominees!

6. Notify your 11 nominees.

11 facts about Deandra

1. I love the idea of exercising, I lack the discipline

2. I am able to sleep for loooonng periods

3. I was baptized twice. First time at age 9 and second time at age 18

4. I grew up listening to Adventures in Odyssey and have to listen to an episode through the Club now every night before I go to bed.

5. I have one sister, she’s 20 and a senior in college

6. I love trying different cuisines – I can dine in a restaurant by myself

7. When driving, I will turn off the GPS to intentionally find new places (sans company)

8. I’m 5ft 3 inches

9. I have a son who is taller than me

10. I’m not the traditional person. I love traditions but I do not hold them above the Word of God

11. I love cooking meals for my family

Dawn’s Questions to Me

1. Who would you want to have dinner with and why?

Does it sound cheesy if I say Jesus because He’s the one that comes to mind. Why? I would like to actually dine with my Master

2. What inspired you to start writing a blog?

I’m a scribbler by nature and so I felt God was telling me to be brave and take the initiative and cultivate my talent.

3. How would you describe yourself in one sentence?

Deandra is a loyal, caring, sensitive and sometimes quirky girl.

4. What is an important lesson you’ve learned in life?

Two: Never say never and be quicker to show grace than judgment

5. What is your favorite food?

Pasta (yes, this Jamaican girl loves her some pasta)

6. What is your favorite memory?

When my son was baptized

7. What is your favorite color and why?

Pink – I don’t really know, guess it’s a girl thing for me

8. Do you have a role-model? If so, who is it?

At the moment, I have folks that I admire but none that I want to be. I remember once choosing to act out the way a friend was doing (tit for tat) and Holy Spirit rebuked me and said, “why you are you trying to be like so and so, I have called you to be like Me”

9. With whom do you enjoy spending time?

My family!

10. Do you prefer cold or hot weather?

Cold – I can always warm up. If it’s too hot, I cannot walk around naked

My questions to the nominees (same as above). I nominate the following bloggers if you choose to participate (No Pressure Whatsoever). †††

Renee over at Heart Tokens

Tosin over at Alethea’s Mind

Crystal over by Devotions of Grace

Laronda over by Lardonda’s World

Jan over by Jan Beek

34 thoughts on “Liebster Award 🥇

  1. Deandra, your answers are refreshing and enjoyable. Thank you for participating in the Barnabas Award, you and Dawn are certainly “poster children” for faith community awards. I will add Zachery to my prayers, God has a plan and a purpose for this young man that all of us need to see come to past. Blessings sweet friend ♥


    1. Sweet Jacquie, mom and grandma…thank you times infinity for keeping my boy in your prayers ❤️. You have made this mama’s heart truly glad knowing her cub is being prayed for. Thank you truly for your love and devotion each time you write from your “cottage”…Love to you❤️❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It is my privilege ♥. Ken and I have hearts to see God’s plan brought to fruition – especially in young lives. Besides, Zachery is only 3 years older than my grandson, so it will be natural to remember him and You ♥

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        1. Bless the Lord for memory joggers. Thank you and Ken for your dedication, love and service. Thank you both too for being a reflection of Christ’s love relationship for the church. Reading your story left me hopeful for a lifelong companionship with my best friend☺️

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  2. Thanks lil sis for participating! I was excited to read your answers. Thanks so much for your support and encouragement too. I always feel blessed that our paths have crossed. Your posts have helped me greatly in my faith. ❤️

    I feel the same about exercising lol. I also enjoy dining alone in a restaurant occasionally. Some people can’t understand that. I’m glad to hear you put the Lord before tradition. He must always be first!!! 🙏🏿

    Hey we’re almost the same height! I’m 5’4. And dinner with the Master would be amaaazing!! You’re awesome lil sis! God has great things in store for you and Zach! 💕💕 I will continue to pray for you both! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Giggles! Nearly eye level sis 🤗🤗🤗

      Bless the Lord for connecting us always! His love for us is always so palpable when we connect with carriers of His Spirit 🙌🏼

      We will continue to trust Him with our children, our minds, our feet (for exercising) and our fingers – for sharing the gospel.

      Love always ♥️♥️

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  3. Pink is my fav too! I was just saying last night us like my mansion in heaven to be pink with white polka dots. So when we get there sis, you’ll know that one is mine and stop in for some pasta! Because I love me sone angel hair pasta too! Lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hehehehe! You’re too funny – I love it though! Make sure you cook enough cause I have a feeling when we get there, there will be no need to exercise any more self control for all things there will be good and since our bodies will have changed, we don’t ever have to worry about weight or extra calories. 😂


  4. I am very behind on reading all my blogging friends’ posts as of late! Thank you so much for this nomination! I have loved reading about you and getting to know you through your blog! I wish we could get together face to face and have coffee/tea. Maybe one day 😊. Pasta is my favorite food, too! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Crystal! I have certainly missed you (and your blogs too). Welcome back, my beloved friend. I’m in South Jersey and so one day, we should link up to have coffee/tea with a good size plate/bowl of pasta 🤗

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