A Way of escape

"For surely it is not angels that He helps, but He (Jesus) helps the offspring of Abraham.” Hebrews‬ ‭2:16‬ ‭ESV‬‬ "The Lord always provides a way of escape." My mother shared this thought with me one evening as we stood tidying the kitchen. She continued, "Most of the times, it is just that we are … Continue reading A Way of escape

God doesn’t choose perfect people…

My grandmother has "the gift of talk", as my mom describes. One of her especially favorite topics to discuss is, Prophecy. Due to the upcoming election, a lot of talk in mainstream has been about the re-election of President Trump. The Evangelical community not to be excluded are also active in sharing their thoughts on … Continue reading God doesn’t choose perfect people…

Where does your inspiration come from?

As a Christian blogger, what inspires you to write?  Earlier today, I sat before the computer going through scribbles of yester-years trying to glean something to share with you all. I began writing about how important rest is for us as humans and how necessary it is that we ensure we find time to cease … Continue reading Where does your inspiration come from?

What does it mean to surrender to the Lord?

Theme: What does it mean to surrender to the Lord? Our surrender to the Lord involves trusting Him with every part of our lives. This means there is no area that is off-limits to Him - we talk to Him about ALL our concerns.   “Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. … Continue reading What does it mean to surrender to the Lord?