God who promises us a new heart

And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules.” Ezekiel‬ ‭36:26-27‬ ‭ESV‬‬

I don’t like my job at all. There I said it, and I don’t feel any remorse whatsoever.

Today was a rough day at work. Many changes have taken place, including the increase in my case load, the navigating of different clients’ systems, the greater demands for productivity, the awareness of the acute incompetence of various members of the leadership team…and it could go on and on and on. If I dwell any further on this, I could keep on griping. Until next year even.

Yesterday, after I took my aunt to the Philadelphia International airport, I sat waiting at the drop off point for the car in front of me to pull out so I could leave that area and head back to New Jersey. A female officer noticed me and began beckoning me to move. I responded to her through my sealed car windows that I was waiting for the car in front of me to move. Mrs. Officer kept on motioning for me to get moving and I kept on responding to her what my plans were. “I’m waiting for the car to move,” I said while pointing at the car directly in front. Before I knew it, she was at the driver’s window waving her ticket book in my face. Can you imagine the stricken look that my face reflected? I rolled down my window and told her thanks and quickly drove off, hoping to avoid another bill, especially a ticket from another state.

As I drove off however, the words that left my mouth regarding this officer were not kind. I muttered in that car words that were unwholesome (opposite of the command Paul gave in Ephesians 4:29), it went something like, um, I think I will let you use your imagination.

Friends, as soon as the words left my mouth Holy Spirit rebuked me. This was how, He used a verse from ABBA’s word.

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” Psalms‬ ‭19:14‬ ‭ESV‬‬

The words that came from my mouth though private, was not hidden from Abba. He knew them and wasn’t pleased. In fact, these words were certainly not acceptable in His sight. Ouch!

As He dealt with me He showed me that the officer had a job to do, and my posture should have been to obey with no issues. When I drove off, my attitude should not have been that of grumbling; it should be that of being thankful she did not give me a ticket. I should have been thankful that she gave me fair warning (even if I did not like her attitude), thankful that she had a job to enforce to ensure I was able to pull up to the curb and let my aunt off in the first place. The list of gratitude could continue but you catch my drift.

While the Lord dealt with me, it became once more apparent that He is concerned about our heart posture. Paul to the church in Rome admonished them to be transformed by the renewing of their minds (Romans 12:1-2). So many times, we walk around doing our duties and refuse to adhere to the leading of Holy Spirit, especially where heart surgery is concerned. We lay on the table of sacrifice and as soon as the fire is turned up, we jump off and run away, desiring to do our own things. We want to do what we want, have our own way, have things go the way we dictate and to not surrender our minds and by extension our entire beings to the Lord. So many times, I think we forget this, I know I do. Yahweh, desires that we reflect Him, both in public and in private.

As I now think back to my job, I see that my posture regarding all that is going on there, should be one where I view the happenings through His lens. Am I praying for the leadership to be given wisdom? Am I praying for the grace to serve with a spirit of excellence? Am I asking for supernatural strength to do what only He can do through me? Am I asking Him to bridle my tongue so I don’t sow discord among fellow co-workers? Am I truly reflecting Jesus – do folks see His heart in me when the pressure is on?

“Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart.” Psalms‬ ‭51:6‬ (ESV)

My prayers for us, is that we daily (even minutely) surrender to His leading. His chiding. His firm grips. His rebukes. His love.

His Word promises that those who are broken, those with a contrite heart will not be despised. He resists the proud, but the humble, those He gives grace. He promises to give us a new heart, let’s just surrender and obey.

From His heart, to ours ❤️

Until next time remember, His Promises are our Guarantee…🙌🏽

77 thoughts on “God who promises us a new heart

  1. Life in the fire is just loads of fun, ain’t it? 😉 I am so glad and thankful our Father is gentle with us as we learn. The process of exposing and removing ‘self’ is anything but fun but necessary if we are to mature and grow into intimacy. You are doing well, even if you may feel beat up through this all. Your attitude is good and very encouraging. God is definately leading sister!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It certainly is fun! Lol
      I’m reminded of a comrade in arms who has to remove a bullet from a colleague who has been shot in the line of duty. There is no surgeon nearby that can anesthetize the area. No hospital that has a bed to lay on. No equipments to monitor the progress. Just two friends in the battle field who are trying to make it to a place of safety. The injured party must have the bullet removed for he is losing a lot of blood. The friend is no surgeon but has experience to know what to do out in the war zone. Sterilizing what is needed, he lays the friend on the hard ground and removes the bullet from the place it has lodged. The pain felt is real. The agony that comes along with cutting an area of skin, without medication – is real. Trust is exercised by the victim though, for not only does he want to live, he wants to finish the mission he was given to do.

      In some ways, I believe Abba can be like that friend. Though He is the Great Physician, I believe there are times that He has to yank away the sin from our hearts on the go, without us laying down and being prepped and the whole shebang. In these times, it can be truly painful. It can really really hurt. But we must trust the process, and entirely trust the Processor.

      My earnest love to you both ❤️❤️

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Big brother, I have been praying for you (though MIA). I agree, rough days can certainly be great schools for us. I always appreciate your prayers, and your support. It’s truly good to be back. Thank You Jesus 🙌🏽❤️

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  2. You know Dee, your vulnerability is complimentary.
    Examinations could really be ouch moments to our egos. This description of yesterday’s events were so vivid. Good writing and humble message.

    Lady Dee, write down your feelings and remember cause I truly believe that each case load increase is to prepare you for your future, and yes Yah is tackling the whole list in your second to last paragraph.
    Also every ‘trouble,’ and lesson will remind you in the very near future as you are thrown into success to be mindful of your employees.
    Heart posture is your lesson as you transition into your very own business and ministry (I declare it)

    Kindness is the vitamin that nourishes the heart..

    Amen to your future and to the beautiful boss you are going to be… muah 😘

    Blessings to,

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wow! Talk about a glimpse of better days…now having that mindset is certainly one that will help me to really take notes on how to treat others with equity. By the way, I receive your declaration 🙌🏽❤️

      I agree with you about these ouch moments. As I traverse each day, I realize how desperately in need of Abba I am. He shows me how wretched and undone I am without His constant leading, His complete control, His necessary work of sanctification. My prayer too, is that He never stops.

      I love that sentence on kindness…I think I shall be mulling that over and over and over again.

      Love you sweet friend ❤️🤗

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      1. Deandra my friend, you are rare…
        Look what I found this morning… read the verses before. Isaiah 8:1-8

        God is our treasure and we are His. You are worth toooo much to Him…
        Perfection is YAH and this may be a bit controversial but does God really see us as wretched after His Son’s blood has cleansed us?
        His GLORY is our rear guard!! He will speed up everything like the speed of light and better. Your future awaits you soon my dear sweet friend❤️❤️♥️ you will open up like a flower, you will fly like that beautiful butterfly (beauty), you will gallop like a horse, you will fly like an eagle (strength)!Thus said the Spirit of the Living God.. don’t hesitate my love…❤️❤️❤️

        “Then shall your light break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up speedily; your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.”
        ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭58:8‬ ‭ESV‬‬ https://www.bible.com/bible/59/isa.58.8.esv

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        1. My sweet peacemaker,
          I read this last night but had no response. I was so touched that like a chicken on her egg, I had to sit until it hatched.
          I read the passage this morning and saw the warnings Abba gave. Sound and solid indeed.
          Once we obey though, we get to really see that He is indeed our treasure. He is our song. He is our prize.
          I’m so thankful that we both are worth so much to Him. He has created in us a desire to please and serve Him. He is cultivating in our hearts a passion that is all about pursuing Him, in spite of the various obstacles that we have to deal with. He’s put on our eyes those blinders to not look around, but keep our gazes fixed on the eternal. What a marvelous friend!

          I love what you said about opening like a flower, flying like a butterfly, galloping like a horse and flying like an eagle. What beautiful analogies! What wonderful promises for those who remain steadfast. Thank You Lord! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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          1. I love that analogy…chicken on her egg.. sitting until it hatched.. I love it❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for your obedience to our ABBA. All the obstacles cannot remove me from getting to Him thank you ABBA that my connection to you is in the Spirit realm or else I would be in trouble. Thank you for that very great gift.💜💜 I see you as a flower, as a butterfly, as an eagle, and as a horse… Deandra if I see you like that much more Yah.. I love you!

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  3. Your perseverance and determination to see things through God’s eyes is an inspiration. He is always teaching and guiding us, even through the situations that seem so frustrating and unfair. Thankful also you made it out of that airport without a ticket! Last time I was in Philadelphia for my uncle’s funeral, about a year and a half ago, I almost had 2 accidents! That aggressive driving up there is not for me lol.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Giggles, I’ve experienced that kind of aggression for real, whew! Thankful you didn’t have any accidents then, no m’am lol.

      Yes big sis, I’m so grateful that when I want to take of the glasses and do my own blind thing, Someone is there to nudge, rebuke, remind and lead along. 🙌🏽

      Love you tremendously ❤️

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  4. A wonderful reminder to look at things through His lens and not be quick to grumble when things don’t go our way. Difficult days or times teach us the most. Your faith and desire to be moulded by God is humbling and encouraging. A friend once told me of a similar situation at work and her first reaction was to grumble and be dissatisfied but she said later she learnt to take all those things to the Lord, she had a list of things she used to pray for and she said that the list got smaller as She committed each of those points to prayer.
    Hope you have better days ahead at work.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Manu, I love that idea…praying until the list becomes smaller lol. I agree, difficult times certainly teach us the most, if we sit and let them. Apart of me wants to run away but Holy Spirit has to keep checking me and say, “did I tell you to move?”

      My prayer for us is that we always see through His lens, especially in the middle of the fires, the floods, the storms, the turmoils…

      Love you, sis ❤️

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  5. Dee, what a powerfully penned and very transparent message did the Lord give you to breathe into our hearing. For the last couple nights I went to a consecration revival, and the hymn that we sang comes to mind as I read this message…Lord, help us to continue laying our all on the altar, so that we can become more like Thee!

    You have longed for sweet peace,
    And for faith to increase,
    And have earnestly, fervently prayed.
    But you cannot have rest,
    Or be perfectly blest,
    Until all on the altar is laid.

    Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid?
    Your heart does the Spirit control?
    You can only be blest,
    And have peace and sweet rest,
    As you yield him your body and soul.

    2 Would you walk with the Lord
    In the light of his Word,
    And have peace and contentment alway?
    You must do his sweet will
    To be free from all ill —
    On the altar your all you must lay.

    3 O we never can know
    What the Lord will bestow
    Of the blessings for which we have prayed,
    Till our body and soul
    He doth fully control,
    And our all on the altar is laid.

    4 Who can tell all the love
    He will send from above,
    And how happy our hearts will be made,
    Of the fellowship sweet
    We shall share at his feet
    When our all on the altar is laid!

    Source: Lead Me, Guide Me (2nd ed.) #660

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    1. Hmmm, Anthony, He certainly did.

      When I consider the lessons of the past few days, all I can say is this heart of mine certainly needs His transformative power. For so long I’ve been jumping on and off the altar, not living there until He calls me home. The altar should be the place we daily remain, the place where we can always be found. It is here where He reveals how messy the heart can be and how He is doing the sanctification that not only eradicates sin, but reflects His glory. The work He does is to be shared with all, this way, we level the playing field and no one sees another more highly than they ought to see, and no one feels that they’re alone on the journey, for we are all in need of a Savior.

      By the way, I certainly love hymns ❤️

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    1. Awwwww, thank you Fay Ann.

      Abba has a way of putting words together that touch each of our hearts. It’s so lovely hearing from you tonight by the way.

      My prayer for you today is that the Lord would continue to draw you even closer to His bosom and speedily answer that which you have been earnestly praying about.

      My love to you ♥️


      1. Your response warms my heart.I truly feel your love. Thank you my sister.

        My heart’s desire is to be in His word every moment…there is an emptiness within me that is crying out to be filled.
        I have an insatiable thirst for God and the things of God.
        You know the feeling you get when you are thirsty. Have you ever experienced that dryness in your mouth and throat, that feeling of agitation, of desperation, where all you can think about is water? That’s how have been feeling for the word and to be more like Christ

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        1. Ah, my love, that thirst you feel comes from Abba. We do not desire Him except He bid us to come. We cannot be satisfied by Him except He fills us from His well. My prayer is that you will never be satisfied completely so as to avoid reaching a plateau; but that your thirst would be quenched, but only to the measure that you thirst for more and more. ❤️

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          1. Well, I tend to be a bit overzealous with comments…. my comments aren’t always productive, I don’t know when to shut up and some people get tired of me quickly…

            That’s cool!

            I’m doing well but good grief do I feel lazy…. I’d rather sit and do nothing than anything. I need to be productive for the Lord!

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            1. Should we pray about temperance my dear brother John? 🤪

              Is it a season of laziness you’re encountering or you’ve discovered it has been a lifestyle orrrrr is this you being hard on yourself?

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Lol!! I’m just being honest.

                I’m pretty lazy. Im tired! But I remember a time when I’d pray for an hour and actually want to study my bible.

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                1. I love honesty!!!

                  Two different things here: lazy and tired. Both can be due to the enemy’s attack and both can be due to life changes.

                  Is the tiredness due to you being lazy or is the laziness due to being tired?

                  As for the Bible reading and praying, sometimes we fall in a lull because the drive is gone or life happens. I’ve found myself there many times – one thing I’ve done is to ask God to give me the desire for His Word – to open my appetite for Him.

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                  1. Deandra, I have no reason to be dishonest. I’m an open book.

                    I stay tired. But I also know that the Lord is in charge and He can give me strength and desire to do the things that please Him.

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                    1. That you are which is why we bond. We honor and appreciate vulnerability. We bear each other’s burdens.

                      I don’t like that you stay tired – while it could be spiritual in nature, it could be emotional, psychological and even physical (lack of Vitamin D as was my case). Shall we pray for Abba to give you the strength and desire to please Him? For Him to beckon to your heart to come closer? For Him to help you say yes…to the hard stuff He’s asking you to do?

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. Lord, today I stand in the gap for John today. He’s shared very openly and boldly that he’s tired and lazy and I deduce sick of being tired. Father, he could never have come to this conclusion or posture without Your nudge. Your word declares that it is You who draw us to Yourself. Of ourselves, there is no desire to serve or please You. You Abba, are the One who has called John and made him feel unease and discomfort in the place that He is. Remind Him Lord of Your faithfulness. Remind him of the vows he has made to You concerning the laying down of him very life for Your glory. Remind him of the responsibility that is laid upon him as a husband, a friend, a son and even Lord, as a father whether to biological children or otherwise. I ask in Jesus’ name that You would reveal to John what has been distracting him from pursuing You diligently. Reveal to him what has been occupying his time and vowing for a place in his heart. Break down every idol that wants to take Your place Lord. Help him to never lean on his own understanding, on his own strength, on his own fortitude. Grant him resurrecting power, Lord. Anoint him with the oil of gladness. He’s been so sad, so discouraged, so burdened. Lift his hang down head, Father. Make him to know Your joy – that joy that springs forth laughter and bubbles forth. The joy that reminds him of why he gave his heart to You. Lord, we are trusting this is a prayer You will honor because it is for Your glory. In Jesus’ name we thank You. Amen.


                    3. Lift his hang down head, Father.

                      “But thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.”
                      ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭3:3‬ ‭KJV‬‬

                      Very interesting! Thank you big sissy!


                    4. 🙌🙌🙌🙌she loves me!!!!

                      😊 I love you too sissy!

                      Totally off topic but I have made another blog. It’s private but if you want to read it I’ll accept you.

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        1. Man!! It’s amazing how fast babies grow. I’m so thankful you get to capture as many moments as you can. I’m sure he’s loving all the attention and affection 😉


  6. A graceful share. I was just smiling while reading the post.

    God does come through even in the seemingly horrid situations of our lives. I remember weekend till Monday was like everything bad and unexpected kept happening. But looking back at it all, I am grateful He showed up in it all. His ways are never ours and He is always concerned about us and able to pull us through – when we yield ourselves to Him.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Mercy!
      That’s so true! He is able to redeem when we surrender.
      I’m so thankful that your week turned around and that Abba showed up. He is the Lord of hosts, the captain of the army. He will fight for you sis. Only be still and see His salvation.

      Love to you always.


  7. Welcome back! If it took an almost-ticket at the airport and an attitude confession about your job to spark you to write again, that’s a good thing! God turned your heart towards Him, and your testimony blesses us! 💕💕

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  8. Thank God that you were obedient to the Holy Spirit.
    This walk with Christ thing isn’t about being perfect.
    It’s about doing your best.
    Some days we fall short, but the hit is not to beat yourself up over it.
    God sent us the Comforter to guide us.
    You did great by being open-minded and seeing the lesson.
    When life shows up, hopefully, we are well equipped with His Word and His Spirit to respond and not react.
    Thanks for sharing.

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  9. You’ve chosen some POWERFUL (scriptural) words for your prayers: wisdom for leadership; grace, strength, and self-control to reflect Jesus. I look forward to reading that future post when you describe the answers to these prayers!

    Liked by 1 person

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