So what…

So what if I cannot meet a mortgage payment?

So what if my child doesn’t get better from a life threatening condition?

So what if my parents divorce?

So what if I never get married?

So what if I end up crippled?

So what if my sibling never comes back home?

So what if my spouse leaves our marriage?

So what if I end up flat broke – bankrupt even?

So what if I lose all my assets?

So what if my health steadily declines and I eventually end up withering away?

So what if WordPress decides to ban me from sharing the good news?

So what if I end up with no likes, no followers, no commenters?

So what if I end up like John, all alone on the island of Patmos?

So what if I’m put in jail and end up alone for many years like John Bunyan?

So what…so what…so what…!?!?!?

We all have so what moments.






I shared with a friend of mine this week one of my “so what” moment which friends, as I shared the issue, I realized it hinges on me being afraid. Yes. I said it. I was fearful that one of my so what moments may actually come to pass. Her response to me in a loving way not discrediting or belittling my fear, “so what if that happens.”

Knowing her response came from a safe place, Holy Spirit opened my eyes to see that I was “operating” from a place of fear.

I read a quote some years ago which said “What we fear the most is what we trust God with the least.” Ouch!

Nearly two years ago, my mom lost her job for eight months. All my life, my mom had been the primary breadwinner in our family. She through the grace of God has been able to effectively cover majority of the overhead costs in our home. About five months before her job ended, we bought a house. Anyone who has bought a house (or looking to get one) knows how financially exhausting and challenging the initial process can be. We poured nearly all (maybe all come to think of it) our resources into the purchase, the fixings, the stuffings and trimmings. In the back of my mind, I was like “I hope mommy never stops working or else…”

I shared with her this thought and she said the quote I shared with you.

It’s coming on two years since we have bought our home and though mom began working after 8 months of “dryness”, her income was literally cut in half. Yes. Half. Inspite of this, God has through His love and grace provided for us every single month. We have never gone to bed hungry. He has taken care of all our bills. Again, no savings to rely on. Nothing stashed to take from. Just a God who like He did with the widow Elijah visited, continued to let the flour and oil flow until the famine and drought ceased.

He has provided.

He continues to provide.

Now, at another crossroad I realize I still struggle with fear of the mortgage being late. The effect on my credit score. The looming possibility of foreclosure. But…

So What!!!

God has been faithful thus far, why would He suddenly enter the position or realm of being unfaithful. Scripture declares, He is God and cannot lie. We are also told that He honors His Word even above His name. Last time I checked, His Word says the righteous will never be forsaken nor His seed beg for bread. He also said He is the Faithful God, keeping His promises to thousands of generations.

Sure, I’m called to be a good steward but more than that, I’m called to trust Him and let Him do the job of providing and figuring it all out.

What is your “so what” issue friend? You don’t have type it below but know that our God is bigger than our “so what issues”. In fact, if we combine ALL our “so whats” – HE IS BIGGER THAN THEM ALL.

62 thoughts on “So what…

  1. This is such a good post and so real! We all have fears….and only the Lord can take them from us and fill us with His Spirit! If we ended up like John, all alone on Patmos, we just might see the Lord in a vision! That wouldn’t be so bad, would it? 💖💖💖💖

    Liked by 8 people

  2. The so whats that we face are training grounds for what the Lord is calling us to. My life has been a series of facing so whats. I think about the so whats that Jesus faced such as so what if he was crucified, he rose again. His crucifixion was painful, torturous, and agonizing, but he endured it for us.

    Liked by 8 people

  3. “What we fear the most is what we trust God with the least”….This is a very profound thought! I too worry about finances at times so thanks for this reminder to trust God to provide. He has always been faithful and He always will be.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Dawn, God’s got you!!! Always hold onto Philippians 4:19… “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus….

      And always remember Matthew 6:25-33

      ““Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 27 Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? 28 “So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; 29 and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not [l]arrayed like one of these. 30 Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31 “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

      Liked by 5 people

        1. Power verses that are worth standing on for sure!!

          “The grass withers, the flower fades,
          But the word of our God stands forever…Isaiah 40:8

          Liked by 3 people

  4. Whoosa! This message took me back and touched some dry places for sure!! Well, I can check off 5 of these, BUT I can also say that God is faithful no matter the path that our feet may trod. I remember back in 2008 after losing a great paying job going through foreclosure and a divorce. Talk about a crushing, BUT God did some amazing rebuilding! Then in 2010 I went through eviction and homelessness, BUT God has been faithful. One of the many amazing takeaways was the fact that I learned the essence of embracing God’s sovereign will to “allow hardship,” but also walk with me through it along His path of restoration! Another amazing lesson I learned was what “walking by faith” looked like for me. I WOULDN’T trade these wilderness years for anything. Blessings Sis!

    The Lord always has lessons tucked away in EVERYTHING that we face!!!

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Oh my brother, thank you for confirming God’s ability to restore, rebuild, renew and bless. Hallelujah! I’m so encouraged by your testimonies. I’m sure each step of the journey posed their own challenge and questions but praise God as you look back and share with us the victories Christ wrought, we can see His hand and His goodness. My soul rejoices with you, brother. My heart is overwhelmed at God’s love shining through this you have written. Thank you! ❤️

      Liked by 3 people

    1. I agree, it can be difficult at times, downright impossible from our view but then, we get to remember that His grace is sufficient and what is impossible for us is certainly possible with God.

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  5. Oh how I needed to read this post today. When I miss your posts, I hunt for them as treasure, and this my sister is treasure ♥ I’m in a pruning season, feeling more like my soul is in a spiritual Cuisinart…, and yet peace washes over me as I consider your what if, so whats? I understand the glory and purpose of pruning in my spirit, but oh how the soul aches. Blessings to you dear Deandra for bringing such a soul-refreshing word. ♥

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Beloved, this message continues to resonate with me too…so much so that I’m unable to move on with any other posts. Thank you for expressing exactly how I’m feeling too, may the Lord help us to endure the pressing and crushing and squeezing and all the other etceteras. I was telling my mom today that my heart and head is not aligning…one knows the promises of God and the other is fighting tool and nail for what I want. Nevertheless, the Lord so often reminds me, “Not your will child, but Mine will be done”. Let us keep enduring, just a little bit longer…even with aching of the soul. With all my love, and prayers, Jacquie. ❤️

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    2. Dearest Jacquie, I just found this as I read “The Practice of the Presence of God” and thought of you (and me too)…
      “We must believe steadfastly, never once doubting, that such discipline is for our good. That it is GOD’s Will to visit us with chastening, that it is the course of His Divine Providence to permit us to pass through all manner of sore experiences and times of trial. For the love of GOD to undergo divers sorrows and afflictions for so long as shall seem needful to Him. Since, without this submission of heart and spirit to the will of GOD, devotion and perfection cannot subsist.”

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  6. My so what’s? Thinking like that does loosen the anxieties, obligations, fears, and expectations that loom over me daily…. with career goals, whether I will be within the age to have children, by the time I finally get married… It goes on. But, so what? As it appears…I will never know until the time comes.If I did end up all alone like John, maybe I’ll get a vision like Val says! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Just maybe you will, beloved become like John and be able to share visions with us 🤗
      Isn’t it amazing what happens when we relinquish our anxieties and fears to God and the freedom our hearts feel.


  7. Thank you for posting these “So What..”. Sometimes we forget that God is in total control and trusting in Him will get us a lot further than trusting in our own abilities alone. We just received the booklet from the Discovery Series, Our Daily Bread, with the title “Overcoming Worry, Turning Fear into Faith”. It has some great points. I quote:
    So, how do we put our worries to work for us?
    1. By letting worry turn our attention to God;
    2. by letting worry turn us to the words of Jesus;
    3. by turning worry into prayer;
    4. by turning worry into practical choices. end of quote
    Whenever I let God handle the worries I have, everything turns to the better and somehow things work out even though I didn’t think so. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding!
    Blessings dear sister, Elfriede

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Faithful friend, thank you for stopping by and reminding me today of the benefits of trusting in our Lord. I appreciate your sharing of the points from “Our Daily Bread” but what really reverberates to me now is the second clause of your second sentence “trusting in Him will get us a lot further than trusting in our own abilities alone.” That holds such a punch! May we allow worry to indeed turn our attention to God, the words of our Lord, prayer and implementation of practical choices 😊. The Lord’s richest blessings be upon you always 🙏🏽

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  8. “What we fear the most is what we trust God with the least”. Wow, very convicting. Reminds me of the other quote, “You only love Jesus as much as the person you love the least.” (Ouch again!)
    Next time something bothers me – big or little – I’ll have to ask myself, “So what?”

    PS You might enjoy my piece “What Else Matters?” posted May 3. (The post script was posted May 10th)

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I was just reflecting yesterday on how Jesus so often prefaced whatever else He was going to say with “Fear not.” How He loves to comfort us and drive out our fears with His perfect love! A beautiful post. And I absolutely LOVE the words you have chosen to describe yourself, “Precious One.” ❤ 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wow! What a beautiful comparison, Jennifer! I will be sure to remember these two additional words when “so what” moments come by. “So what, Jennifer – Fear not! So what, Deandra – Fear not!” Oh my! Need to chew on these things 🙌🏽
      Beautiful scripture reminder too – Hallelujah for that! Now those words you see, beloved, were given to me by a man of God one day in church as he was speaking over my life. At the time he said them, I felt far from precious – I felt wretched, filthy – other adjectives – but he called me up and said the Spirit of God wanted me to know, I was His Precious One. That thing stood out to me and still does. It is my prayer, that when others see the name, they too will realize how precious they also are to Yahweh! Love you, beloved!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Love this post Dee. My so what issue is my health, my hubby’s job loss, unkind people…..but you know what….what you said about us not believing God can fix those “so what’s” really hit home just know. It’s humbling to realise how little and weak my faith is. He is able. He sometimes says no or wait but He is at work, making me more patient, less fearful and more reliant on Him daily. He knows my faith needs these trials. Love you Dee!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Who would have thought that faith needed trials to grow? 🙄 But our Abba does! Oh Viv…we will get through the hard times ahead – He will gives us the grace and faith to make it through. I watched the video with Danny Gokey (Hope in front of me)…soothing. So what if all these happens? We will continue to have hope in our Father. Love you back 🤗❤️

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